Our current accounts are a great platform to save for a rainy day or to apply for a loan or overdraft for specific projects. saving for a rainy day or requesting a loan or overdraft for specific projects. Highly recommended for the self-employed, small business owners and associations.

Conditions et documents d’ouverture de compte

  • 2 passport size photos
  • A copy of the national identification
  • Proof of income (pay slip, business badge, confirmation of employment, proof of business ownership, etc.)
  • Proof of address (site map or recent electricity, water or telephone bill)
  • Unique Identification Number
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Project information

  • Category: Deuxieme
  • Client:individuals and small and medium-sized businesses
  • Project date: 01 March, 2020
  • lien whatsapp: whatsapp
  • contact:+237 233 41 18 18
  • Localisation

Who we are

We provide innovative digital microfinance solutions and services for individuals and small and medium-sized businesses.